2 Must Read Books for Life Skills!!

Hi Dear Friends!

 Here I will recommend some good books to read as a follow up to my posts in my other blog workingtips4life.blogspot.in, links to the relevant posts given below.

Life skills are the core of our existence, as mentioned in my post 10 Quick tips about life skills,. Without them it would be difficult to us to even survive. Most of us have a certain level of life skills. However life throws things at us, and sometimes we duck, and sometimes we get hit and fall, that's when we need "to get up dust off and move on." Here are 15 best blogs about life skills, you can check out for more on how successful people have coped with challenges in their lives.

The 2 books I am reviewing today are:

1. Know your worth by N.K Sondhi and Vibha Malhotra
2. The Art of the Good Life by Rolf Dobelli

"Know your worth" (stop thinking and start living) by N.K Sondhi an Vibha Malhotra, is the wonderful teamwork by a Banking Management turned fictional writer and a poet and translator. This book addresses the fast paced life of youngsters. The challenges they face while dealing with technology. "Know your worth" is great book to read, to gain insight about the younger generation. As we all know India is the youngest country in the world as per government figures. Therefore a relevant book to read!

The 2nd book "The Art of the Good Life" by Rolf Dobelli, is about answering the many questions that we ask regularly, how much should I earn? how should I spend my time? what would make me happy?.. and more. This book gives you 52 unique ways to reach your goal at the earliest. This is one book to have, to help you, think clearly for your business and life.

The links to the books are given below,  just click "shop now" and you will go to the Amazon site from where you can purchase these books!

Happy reading!! 

Must Read Books for Introverts,Ambiverts and Extroverts/ Extraverts!

Must Read Books for Introverts Ambiverts and Extrovert/Extravert

Re-discover your self: Who are you really?

We often wonder, why do we do the things we do, why do people respond to us in certain ways. We adjust, adapt and sometimes even lose our identity. We go so far away, from who we really are, our strengths our weakensses, our core values, that we are unable, to be the gift to the world, that we were created to be, in the first place. Trying to be Mr. /Ms or Mrs. great, rich, beautiful/handsome, intelligent successful, we lose out n our true blessings.

Here are ....

Super insightful books, that will enlighten you and introduce you to yourself. You can start your journey if you haven't started, by reading about the 3 behavioural styles, Introverts, Extroverts or Extraverts and Ambiverts.

The first book is The Sunday Times Bestseller, Quiet, The Power of Introverts, in a world that can't stop talking. This book is especially written for Introverts and to help extroverts/ extraverts to understand what introversion means. As is common knowledge by now almost 70 percent of the world's population are either extroverts or ambiverts.

This is a book that all those who identify with this behavioural style must read "Quiet:In a world that cant stop talking" by Susan Cain.

Click "Buy Now" to get your book by Susan Cain.

This book is for both introverts and extroverts! Check this out to understand each other better!

Happy Reading!!

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